In CRM 2.10, the ability to integrate email newsletters has been added. We can integrate any service on broker’s request. We need to check the integration technical opportunities and service security. After that we integrate the plugin into CRM.
Popular mass mailing service Mailchimphas been already added in the new CRM version. With the help of it managers can split customers into groups and send mails. The service allows you to compose letters select their design, create templates, analyze data, etc.
MailChimp has advantages in pricing policy and is free from most daily mailing restrictions.
If you have any questions, please ask our sales managers.
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At the beginning of summer, we have released Trader’s Room 2.0. 25 top UTIP brokers have already chosen the new Trader’s Room version! It significantly surpasses the previous version in functionality and design.
Why is Trader’s Room 2.0 more profitable?
- Easy registration. Registration is easier and more intuitive now. Only 4 fields are required to be filled. As a result, fewer clients “fall off” at this step.
- Advertising banner on home page. Company’s special offers, which will help to motivate traders to trade, can be placed on it.
- Personal manager. Personal manager’s contacts are visible on each Trader’s Room page. The manager will help to solve all the problems and will answer all questions.
- New verification of clients. To fulfill banks and PSPs’ requirements there are 4 verification ways in Trader’s Room 2.0 to choose from. The broker can choose the way by himself.
- Catching design. Trader’s Room new design is in line with current trends and your customers will like it.
Appreciate our new Trader’s Room 2.0:
Our manager will tell you the reasons to choose new Trader’s Room:
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In the new Trader’s Room version any link can be attached to the main banner, “Company’s website” button can be renamed and the necessity to agree with company’s documents during the registration can be made compulsory.
The main banner is with the link now
Any link can be attached to the main banner. For example, you can inform the trader of the current special offers in details, introduce company’s news or just link the banner with the home page of your website.
“Company’s website” button can be renamed
In Trader’s Room new version, you can rename “Company’s website” button at your discretion. For example, enter the link of your website “” or write “Company’s official website”.
The necessity to agree with the documents during the registration
In the new Trader’s Room you can include the function of compulsory agreement with company’s documents during trader’s registration. This feature responds to the contemporary requirements of personal data processing in Europe for the international IT market (GDRP).
Contact Sales Department for more details regarding UTIP Trader’s Room 2.1.
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