The UTIP CRM 3.18.0 update has been rolled out with a flexible setting to give access to client data. Therewith, the UTIP Mobile Trader’s Room version 1.23.0 has come out with the option for the brokerage team to add display names in the “Tickets” tab, thus making communication between the broker’s employees and traders more transparent.
UTIP CRM: right division into creating and editing clients
It has become available for the admin staff and sales managers to confer the divided rights to create and edit clients. The setting implies that some staff only have the right to create new clients, while another group can edit the existing ones. Such a division makes it flexible to manage staff access, mitigate errors, and secure sensitive customer data.

UTIP Mobile Trader’s Room: view of display or employee’s names
The “Tickets” tab reveals either the display name or the personal name of the broker’s employee. This contributes to more open communication between broker’s staff and traders. To be more precise, the client has a clear understanding of the employee who interacts with them and keeps up with the dialog. Such a customer-tailored approach augments the level of trust and eases up the communication process.

For more information about the UTIP CRM 3.18.0 and the UTIP Mobile Trader’s Room 1.23.0 releases, feel free to contact our Sales team.
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