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Managing employee roles in UTIP CRM
6 June 2019

The ability to create, assign and edit roles for employees has been added in UTIP CRM Now the broker can create an unlimited number of roles with the necessary set of rights.

A role is a list of rights for a group of employees. When a broker assigns an employee a role in CRM, he is immediately assigned the rights specified for it.

Any number of roles

If in previous versions of CRM 4 types of roles were built in by default, now the broker can create a list of roles customized for his company with all business processes. This will significantly reduce the time for adding rights to new employees. 

Editing rights in one tab

Changing the rights of current employees has also become easier. For example, if you want to add the right to call from CRM to all employees with the role of «Sales Manager», you just need to enable it in the role settings.

At the same time, the broker still has the opportunity to add / remove rights to each employee individually. In this case, the system will assign the role “Other” to it.

If you have any questions about the new features of CRM, please contact the sales department.

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