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Trader’s Room and CRM updates. December 2020
14 December 2020

The Trader’s Room now has an integrated “Economic Calendar” widget from the MarketCheese service. The ability to merge customers duplicates and track the sources of clients registrations in CRM has been added.

Trader’s Room’s Economic calendar

The MarketCheese «Economic Calendar» widget has been integrated into Trader’s Room With this widget, a trader can view Forex market news and economic events.


To activate the economic calendar, the broker needs to enable the “MarketCheese Widgets” setting in the “Trader’s Room Settings” block in the Web Office. After that, the widget will appear on the main page of Trader’s Room.

Working with duplicates in CRM

In CRM, in the «Clients» table the «Duplicates» column has been added, and the «Duplicates» button to the card of a client with contact matches has been added. When you click on the button, you can see all the duplicates found.

Now broker managers will be able to combine clients who have the same values in the «Email» or «Phone» fields. 

Clients’ registration sources

We have also added functionality to CRM that allows you to track the sources of user registration. For this, the «Origin» field has been added to the client parameters: it indicates the source of the user’s registration. The same information is displayed in the additional information block in the client’s card.

Due to this information, the manager can track through which application or site the client was registered.

For detailed information about the new features of Trader’s Room and CRM, please contact the sales department.

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