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Client base import in CRM
15 July 2018

The import of client base has appeared in CRM as well as depositing and funds withdrawal has been improved and mass customization for clients’ actions has been optimized.

Instant client base import in CRM

In the new CRM it is now possible to load customer data independently. Form your own client base according to special template and click ‘Import’ button. Import function is available in two formats: xlsx or CSV.

Time saving when depositing/withdrawal of funds

Now broker can make deposits and withdrawals directly from CRM interface. Put a tick in the check-box in the pop-up window and change the request status to ‘Executed’.

Mass customization for clients’ actions

On ‘Clients’ tab broker is able to add the same type actions to several customers at once. Select all the necessary clients and click ‘New action’ button.

Contact Sales Department for more details regarding the UTIP CRM

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